Monday 30 November 2009

Twitter Advent Calendar Giveaway

Good morning folks.

I promised you an exciting Christmas Advent giveaway and today is kicked off with the pendant pictured.

Now for the first 6 days of advent we are looking for the 25th person to retweet this message:

"@purplefuzzy spoonerisms exciting advent giveaway"

And quite simply the 25th retweet will win todays pendant.

Good luck


So much talent


Just back from the Folsky upcycle christmas do - there are so many talented crafters out there and it was great to meet some of them tonight.

Sorry I have not been online recently it has been hectic as you all know.

tomorrow marks the start of my advent giveaway- stay tuned to my twitter tomorrow for details.

Love the tube in London so many interesting faces with probably interesting stories, had one of those moments tonight - business man reasonably attractive standing next to me at Bank waiting on DLR, he smiled I smiled (nice to be nice etc) he then reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wedding ring which he then puts back on his finger. So I am guessing his job is not labour intensive enough to require him to remove jewellery and when I release a girly giggle he confirms my suspicion by shrugging and laughing!

Who will I see tomorrow and what will their story be - whats your story?


Thursday 26 November 2009

So much to do

My To Do List is growing, there is nothing like a fast approaching deadline to snap you back into action.

But I did tick off a few items like my folksy upcycle project, so I'll get the photographed and uploaded tomorrow.

Everything else is running a little behind but I'll catch up tomorrow - but for now sleep, need to sleep.

goodnight all

Twitter Advent Calendar Giveaway

I am so excited about this giveaway! Even though it means that come Christmas Eve I will be giving away my very special History in Blue Pendant as pictured.

The basic rules are as follows prizes will be awarded for retweeting the following message on twitter
"@purplefuzzy spoonerisms exciting advent giveaway,"

The winner being determined by number of retweets as follows

Day 1 to 6 the 25th Retweet on each of those days will win a pair of earrings, I will list the earrings on Twitpic at the start of each day, as with all my jewellery it will be delivered in a gift bag or box to the address of your choice, the winner each day will be announced on Twitter and by blog.

Day 7 to 12 the 50th Retweet on each of those days will win a stainless steel spoon pendant from my collection supplied on a leather thong and gift boxed, again the prize each day the prize will be posted on twitpic.

Day 13 to 18 the 75th Retweet on each of these days will win beaded necklaces again giftboxed and posted on twitpic each day.

Day 19 to 23 the 100th Retweet on each of these days will win a stainless steel spoon pendant from my collection supplied on a leather thong and gift boxed, again each day posted on twitpic.

Christmas Eve - the 150th RT will win my history in blue pendant supplied on a sterling silver chain and gift boxed.

Please note that International winners will not receive gifts if won after 10th December but I will endeavour to get these to you asap.

Looking forward to the 1st December so we can kick this competition off.

take care Claire

Do what you love

I think that the key to happiness is to do what you love! Don't spend years wasting time pretending you enjoy what you're doing, when all you are trying to do is please everyone else and do what you think they expect of you.

Trust me I have been there and it can be exhausting, so you want to feed sharks - great (get insurance), you want to join the circus - fantastic remember free tickets for friends, you want to jump out of a aircraft - why not!

Go on live life.... I dare you

All this from someone who has had very little sleep owing to Corrans nosebleed last night, but hey lifes to short to catch up on sleep.

love Claire

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Property Fraudsters

Honestly I have had so many responses from fraudsters in our property search it is appalling that these people do that.

They all have the same things in common, poor grammer, spelling errors, work as doctors/surgeons and a desire to extract your cash from you via "your nearest Western Union" just to prove you are really interested in the property of course.

Its bloody annoying when you are working to a tight deadline - I am not normally a person so consumed by anger but I actually would like to meet one of them right now with my baseball bat. Wait I don't have a baseball bat, okay with some other object that can be used to express my anger at their operation.

We did find a funny blog about these fraudsters at:

Think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts.....

Okay I'm back, so what do we think of this weeks prize draw pendant?

Take care

Is it morning?

What a night? Not in a good way!

After spending way too long on the laptop uploading more products to my store, tweeting and mindless surfing as you do I went to bed, just getting int that snugly place where you are comfy enough to fall asleep and I hear the cries of my eldest son.

Firstly my hubby went to comfort him and that seemed to do the trick, a short while later he was awake again so stumbling to his room, in a scene that reminded me of my teenage years trying to sneak back into the house un-noticed, I sat with him for a while and returned to my room satisfied that hearing his mothers voice had soothed him, but no, I had barely got back into bed.

In a moment of madness I asked if he wanted to come to mums bed to avoid waking his brother - BIG MISTAKE. He slept like a baby (a statement I don't understand) and I was clinging onto the edge of the bed for dear life and being kicked repeatedly as he tossed and turned in his sleep, he clearly takes after his dad in that regard, he is a mover in bed.

The there is the cutest, angelic voice, "mummy its Sunday (thats what he calls it when sun is up" wake up, wake up I want cereal!"

But aware of my lack of sleep hubby jumped into action and had the kids swept away into the dining room for some breakfast leaving me to get a little sleep, which I did I fell into a deep deep sleep which was haunted by awful dreams - so needless to say I am not my usual self this morning, thankfully nights like this are rare, and it is worth it to know that my son did get off to a peaceful sleep.

Take care


Tuesday 24 November 2009

damn tea

I just burnt my tongue on my tea, will I never learn to be patient when it comes to my tea!

I feel like I lost today, do you ever get days like that where you just don't catch up, we have so much to do in the next few days but feel a lot of time was wasted today.

I am excited though and I know tomorrow will bring a burst of energy that often appears with a fast approaching deadline.

Take care


Black Friday

I survived one black Friday in New York, it was madness, I had my sister with me who is in a wheelchair and I don't know how many times she nearly fell out of the chair because of the crowds, we eventually gave up and went for cocktails!

But as a bit of a shopaholic I have vowed to go back one day and enjoy the thrill of purchasing things that I probably will wear once but just have to have!

I have been listing new stock all day in anticipation of Black Friday as I will be launching a very very good offer, its not that I am overly generous (well I can be) but I do need to clear some stocks for our impending move and also to make way for new designs that I have been keen to start working on so I though that this would be the best way to do that.

I will have a proper Twitter and Facebook announcement but the offer is 20% discount on all non-sale items, the prices won't change on Etsy until Friday to avoid disappointment I am willing to accept orders early so long as you put Black Friday in the notes to seller you will have the discount refunded back to your paypal.

take care


Sunday 22 November 2009

Upcycling, uphill

Looking forward to making more pieces from my box of tricks


wow, back to sunday night already

What a strange weekend!

As you know we had my cousins funeral on Friday which was the most heartbreaking funeral I have ever been to, it is just wrong, she was 31 years old, beautiful, kind, friendly and never met her child, she was clearly well loved I have never seen so many people attend a funeral. As is often the case you leave these things thinking about your life, am I doing right by my kids, what will happen to them if something happens to me, what are my wishes when something does happen to me....all questions I have yet to answer. But what I do know without a doubt is that I am living life to the full, every moment is precious and not to be missed.

Saturday seen my first Christmas fair which was a good opportunity to get some feedback on my jewellery, there is nothing like the honesty that you get from a small(ish) town gathering. On the whole my products were well received, some even purchased a few pieces which is always nice. I felt a bit like a lecturer spent most of the four hours banging on about upcycling but I had an audience they were keen to find out what I could turn their broken earrings into....

I am going to be working on my Folksy upcycled project over the next day or two now that I have finalised what I am making, that along with making lists of things to do as the coming weeks are going to be extremely busy for our little family.

Talk soon

take care


Wednesday 18 November 2009

Little Helper

I have my handy little helper today, yep three days until the craft fair and Corran seems keen to help me out.

I am finishing off some pieces and making some new earrings and then I think we're good to go!

Will keep you posted and of course any new designs over the next day or two will end up on the website.

take care

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Successful Day

Found a new supplier today, who is almost on my doorstep who until yesterday I did not know existed.

I was like a kid in a candy store, I know that this is an accurate description as earlier in the day I had my kids in a candy store (one off treat doesn't happen often).

I managed to control myself and just buy what I needed to complete an order, but oh boy am I going back!!!!

Have a good evening


Its that moment when you've spotted an error! Which has been online for weeks!

Luckily I was able to rectify the situation - note to self remember to account for currency conversion when listing items for sale. I guess I was just in a hurry, anyways problem resolved, correct prices listed now.

Tea, toast then tackle the day ahead


Monday 16 November 2009

Carpe Diem

At some point this week we will say goodbye to my cousin who tragically lost her fight for life last week, just days after giving birth to her son, whom she never met or held, she was just 31 years old.

So, live life to the full, dance like no-ones watching, sing out catch my drift

Take care everyone

Change is good

After getting frustrated Christmas shopping online I explained to hubby why I was cursing at the laptop.

"It was a great price but by the time I got to checkout it wasn't such a good deal, I needed to post it to my girlfriend, and I needed a gift wrap and tag and then shipping"

His reply

"Well that's just like your online store!"

Since that moment at 9ish this morning I have been updating every item in my store so that what you see is what you get.

You want two pendants, with silver chains, in gift boxes with a hand written messages going to two different addresses - NO PROBLEM

So from this point on you see a piece of jewellery, its price X then that's all you pay!

Have a good evening


Sunday 15 November 2009

Weekly reflection

Let me see....

Good - Tracey Lee, Arianny Celeste and Logan Stanton all loved their pendants - great girls

Bad - Getting locked out of the house with my three year old inside with my keys, me outside with my 18month old, my brother and the dog (not on her lead) and the postman (the dog's

Good - my three year old being smart enough to pass my jacket through the letterbox

Bad - burning my mouth with my tea

Good - impromptu photo session in the park with the two kids

Bad - missing Martin

Good - knowing he is doing what he loves and is great at it

Bad - getting the cold

Good - customers yay!

Bad - burning my mouth with my porridge (you'd think I'd learn)

Good - painting with the kids

Bad - clearing up afterwards

Good - pan au chocolate yummy

All in all a good week

Friday 13 November 2009

Feeling Festive

Can't wait to make more of these they are just so different.

Have a good day


Point and click

Ha I'm on to you it is just point and click!!

Well sort of, with my other half and contracted photographer otherwise engaged with UFC in Manchester I was left to photograph my latest work without any assistance, and I have to say it wasn't a complete disaster, once I took the lens cap off that is!

And the word of the day FOCUS, but I was going for a dreamy look anyway, how important is it for the client to see the detail of the products anyways?

So pendants and earrings lined up and ready to go and I must say it wasn't that bad then when looking at the shots I noticed the dirty dishes in the frame and since photoshop is a whole other ball game I had to re-shoot, minus the dishes.

The next hurdle was, how do I get the photos from camera to PC, Ethan offered to help, his suggestion involved grabbing the camera and turning the PC off....nope that didn't work, erm what have we here....aha the card and on the desk a card reader (I'm so doing the next UFC)

OK so they are not going to win any prizes, and they will be re-shot on hubbys return but they'll do to give my customers a teaser of the new range.

Have a good day


Thursday 12 November 2009

What a weird day

Its been a bit of an odd day.

Corran helped me organise all by jewellery bits, we tried to colour co-ordinate my beads but he is clearly a free spirit (technically I am too) and so the beads are all mixed but thats good too.

We designed a couple of earrings which I'll make up tonight, photograph tomorrow and hopefully sell. So my little helper is very keen, as soon as Ethan goes down for his afternoon nap, Corran gets his step from the bathroom and we take to my work-bench (otherwise known as the kitchen).

Look forward to posting the piccies tomorrow

Thrilling Thursday

Thrilling Thursday Finds
Hope you like them too


bbbbbrrrrrr wrap up warm

The kids look so cute in their winter woolies, hats, scarfs & gloves.

Yep its winter time, just back from walking the dog with two kids along for the ride, it was fun, well apart from the jumping in puddles when he doesn't have his wellies on but he was having such a laugh and lets face it clothes wash.

So, plan for the day - part two of tidying the kids room, if you are wondering why this seems such a huge task we literally have too much stuff, just general stuff and a major downsizing project is underway.

Best get on with it, the troops are eager and ready to go!

Have a good day

Tuesday 10 November 2009

What a day

I never expected today to be good, what with last nights awful news but I surprised myself by just how distracted I was.

Upon leaving the house this morning I was confused as to why my eldest was not willing to cross over the door, I was getting quite frustrated and then he says "but mum I don't have any shoes on"

Then at the greeting card store I found the sympathy cards right next to the new baby cards and that set me off again (I have become really emotional in my old age)

Then later when going out to meet my family I rounded up the kids and half way I noticed that something wasn't quite right with my youngests feet (he was riding in the buggy) he was wearing on his left foot the left welly boot and on his right foot he was wearing a left welly boot that belongs to his older brother (4 sizes too big).

Then nearing my mums house despite checking the traffic nearly got run over by a driver who never indicated that he was turning, who seemed intent on giving me abuse for walking out when it was him who never signalled his intent to turn right.

I am looking forward to hiding under my duvet tonight and hoping it was all a bad dream.

take care

Cold and Damp

Its another grey day in the West of Scotland, very chilly.

About to have a quick tidy up, the living room is littered with toys and books, its like an explosion in a toy factory.

No crafting today, well just finished a couple of magnets that the kids made, well they told me which glitter to use and I made them -you know how it goes. Also made some eco friendly Christmas decorations using beer bottle tops. I'd like to make more but risk turning my hubby into an alcoholic, so might have to ask the local pub to keep me some tops, hoping to sell them at a craft fair being run by the Green Party in our town next week.

But first it will be some afternoon tea.

Remember to check out my store, 20% of all sales to Bliss charity for premature babies,

Have a good day

Baby bears

As much as I love my bed there was nothing better than waking up to my two gorgeous boys this morning.

With last nights news of my cousin losing her fight for life I have come to realise how truly blessed I am, it is so easy to become consumed with the things in life that are simply not important.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day

Monday 9 November 2009

Life is precious

Tonight we learned that my cousin lost her fight for life on the operating table.

Most of you will know from my twitter account that my cousin has been in a coma after complications in her pregnancy and was completely unaware that she had given birth to a baby boy.

She was being operated on today to give her an artificial heart whilst waiting on a transplant, unfortunately she never made it through.

She was 31 years old and never held her child.

Whoever you are, wherever you are - life is precious treasure each moment.

Take care

Back on Track

So it took Def Lepard to get me back on track, Lets get Rocked can't beat it.

Might just finish a necklace today woohoo



Don't you just hate when that happens, you know when on the day that you are full of creative ideas you are not able to work on them because of circumstances and then on a day when the stars align to let you work and....


What is wrong with this picture, I feel more like curling up under the duvet and watching an old soppy film, and I have the house to myself I should be crafting like there is no tomorrow.

Don't get me wrong I have made some pieces - but even the soldering iron is conspiring against me - well technically its not the solder iron its my hands that seem unable to master a very simple job.

I'm thinking popcorn (salted of course), movie, chocolates, feet up, big fluffy socks.....


mixing resin?


please have snow and mistletoe....

Ah Christmas songs, can't beat em even more so when sung by the yummy Michael Buble.

Well it seems all I needed was some music therapy to get me back on track, I know that I'm a wee bit early but all my work today is Christmas related so it helps.

Take care

It shouldn't be this difficult

Its only 5 orders, 5 pendants to be polished, boxed and ready to go! So why are my hands refusing to co-operate, ok my hands are fine I think it is the two kids, hubby, dog, pudesy bear, lionel the lion and my grumbly tummy that is refusing to co-operate.

Some days just don't get off to a great start - but I will get these 5 pendants ready to go, and then maybe a cuppa.

Hope everyone else is having a good day!




Yep, Another cold morning and a bit of a late start to the day.

Need to make a "to do" list, its not that I am not getting through my tasks, its just that for very thing I score off my list I come up with two or three other tasks I'd like to get done, funnily enough laundry is never that high on the agenda.

Today I want to finish a necklace I started last night, well there is about 13 necklaces that I started last night but I know that the chances of finishing them all is slim, I tend to do most of my work at night.

I also need to pick up a few bits to complete pendants that are reserved for clients, that has to be finished today!!!!

I should tackle the living room which, well its hard to put into words really, but I think my kids are trying to kill me by strategically placing toys so that I will trip, fall, slip....all of the above.

I could go on but the list is endless so I better make a start...

1. Cup of tea
2. Breakfast

Have a good day


Sunday 8 November 2009

busy busy busy

My bench is full of work in progress (and by bench I mean a corner of the kitchen)

It been a productive Sunday, some days if the creativity hits you, you have to go with the flow and that happened today.

You'll see my work soon on Etsy - hopefully tomorrow.

take care

Its official

Its winter!

Morning walkies confirmed that it is now winter, ground was white and the falling leaves were working overtime. I was hoping that Fuzz would be as keen as I was to return to the warmth of home and the promise of a cuppa.

I actually don't mind the cold, its just the wet/cold combination that we often get here in the West of Scotland that I hate.

My cold feet are saying go back to bed, my head is saying make more jewellery for the craft fair next week and the kids are saying "Chocolate toast" I guess I'll continue my affair with the duvet tonight.

Have a good day everyone

Saturday 7 November 2009

Its a dogs life

Just back from walking the dog, which is usually a nice time. However, you dog owners will appreciate this, there are some things that set Fuzz off and we ran into all of them this morning.

Three joggers

One post man

One man in a hi-vis jacket, on a bike, on the pavement!!!

And none of them were playing by the pooch rules, Don't run past a dog - she'll give chase (with me attached to the other end of her lead), Don't look scared (thats for the postman) and as for the very visible cyclist - "get on the road man"

Time for a cuppa



Saturday morning in the madhouse


Saturday morning in our house is always crazy, corran (always hungry) jumping on mum, ethan (monster) trying to get in on the action.

Just out of shot is Fuzz the dog, barking.

Its all fun......

I'm up, I'm up

love Claire

Friday 6 November 2009

Fancy that

Just finished uploading my china pendants.

For this photo shoot I set up a "Tea and Cakes" theme, with real cakes, French Fancies to be exact, yummy.

The kids did well to sit through 12 product photo shots before getting to the cakes.

Hope everyone has had a good day.



Best things in life...

Its true, the best things are usually free, I snuggled up with my three year old last night because he was afraid of the fireworks, he is just the cutest most loveable little boy.

My youngest (nineteen months) is just as adorable, bit of a monster and is packing attitude but they are the most precious gift.

As some of you already know my cousin is seriously ill in hospital and awaiting a heart transplant, she is yet to meet her baby boy who is a week old. Its a crazy world we live in, if I could have one wish it would be that she gets to see and hold her little boy.

Her son was born prematurely and is doing really well he was 6lb 2oz, I would urge you to support the baby charity Bliss, they have a really nice range of Christmas cards every little bit helps.

Take care


Thursday 5 November 2009


In donating a percentage of sales to Bliss I have been remembering how vulnerable Corran was when he was in the incubator, I remember visiting him on (I think it was day 6) and he had had the ventilation tube removed and the mask off his eyes from the UV therapy.

I had never seen his face properly and when I first approached the incubator I was afraid he had been moved, until I read the name and realised that this was my gorgeous son.

Can't believe that was over three years ago now. Even as a premature baby he had really long limbs he is going to be very tall unlike mum and dad!

Take care


London baby

hey guys, So I made it back from London, it was a nice day down there, just a spot of rain as I was leaving a window shopping trip in Nottinghill, so all in all not a bad day.

The five and a half hours on the train had me making up lists of things to do, I'm always busy, now just another cuppa and I can start on my to do list.

Have a good day

Tuesday 3 November 2009

New pieces

Just putting the finishing touches to some broken china pendants I've made. 5 are made from Gainsborough China and the others have been made from a tea set purchased at a local market, with German origin, gorgeous flower pattern.

Key an eye on my store should be listed by tomorrow.




the little thinker


Thanks to everyone visiting my little store, remember 20% of all sales go to the charity for premature babies, Bliss,

My plans to get designing today haven't got off to a great start, but I'm sure I can make up the time later, next weeks giveaway is going to be a special pendant made from teacup handles so watch this space for them being listed

Have a good day, and wrap up warm winter is here to stay



Monday 2 November 2009

Jewellery Shopping Bliss

The above is a picture of my son Corran just a few hours old and as he appears today, a cheeky and happy three year old. Corran was one of over 80,000 babies born prematurely in the UK every year and it is through the hard work and determination of midwifes, nurses and doctors that we have this great little chap in our lives. These specialists are supported by the charity Bliss,, who have been running for 30 years now. In a bid to raise funds I am donating 20% of every sale of jewellery in my online shop to this wonderful cause,

Sunday 1 November 2009



I am looking forward to launching my new Etsy shop tomorrow and my new range "The Broken Promises".

This event has everything you are looking for, gorgeous unusual jewellery, juicy gossip, prize draw and supporting a good cause.

Stay tuned